Public offer of services

This document is an official offer (public offer) from Likerator (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) and contains all important conditions regarding the provision of services on the Likerator website.

If you agree to the conditions presented below and pay for the services, then you, being a legal entity or individual, become the Customer (in accordance with the current conditions, acceptance of the offer is equivalent to concluding an agreement on the terms set out in the offer). The Contractor and the Customer together are Parties to this agreement.

Please carefully read the text of this public offer and the price list of services. If you do not agree with any clause of the offer, the Contractor recommends that you refuse to use the services.

Acceptance of an offer is complete and unconditional agreement with the offer, expressed by performing the actions specified in paragraph 14 of this offer. Acceptance of an offer leads to the conclusion of an offer agreement.

The Customer is a person who accepted the offer and became the Customer of the services provided by the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the offer.

An offer agreement is an agreement between the Contractor and the Customer on the provision of services, concluded by accepting the offer.

The price list is an ordered list of the Contractor’s services, indicating prices, available on the website at the address: Likerator and presented in the appendix to this offer.

The subject of this offer is the provision of services to the Customer in accordance with the terms of the offer and the current price list of the Contractor’s services.

The list of consultations provided is given in the appendix, which is an integral part of this offer.

The Contractor reserves the right to change the price list and terms of this public offer unilaterally without prior agreement with the Customer.

Services will be provided to the Customer subject to 100% payment.

After the Customer pays the invoice and credits the funds to the Contractor’s account or after payment to the Contractor’s cash desk, the offer agreement comes into force.

The Contractor makes every effort to ensure high-quality and uninterrupted provision of services to the Customer in accordance with the price list of services.

The Contractor is not responsible for violation of the terms of the offer if such violation is caused by force majeure circumstances that may affect the fulfillment of the terms of the offer and do not depend on the Contractor.

If it is impossible to provide services due to the fault of the Contractor, and if the Customer wishes to receive a refund of unused funds, the refund will be made within 14 days. In other cases, no refund is provided.

For failure to fulfill obligations under this public offer, the Parties are liable in accordance with current legislation. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the offer is accepted and is valid until the obligations of the Parties are fulfilled. All disputes and disagreements are resolved through negotiations between the Parties. The period for consideration of complaints is up to seven days.