Privacy Policy

The Likerator electronic service is an electronic platform that allows users to exchange likes, reposts, and subscriptions. To express a positive attitude towards each other, users perform certain actions on behalf of each other using the services of the site. A user who sends a task to another user can also perform a counter task for that or another user.
The service agreement is concluded directly between users. Each user using the capabilities of an electronic platform can simultaneously be a customer of a service and a provider of a similar service for other users.
The service provides only services to ensure convenient interaction between users, as well as other services that are expressly provided for in this agreement.
The service is not a social network where users have personal pages, and is not related to the social networks VKontakte ( ), Twitter ( ), YouTube ( ), and other social networks.

The service is not an organization that carries out activities related to the performance of tasks on behalf of and in the interests of users of social networks, the result of which is the placement and modification of information on the pages of users on social networks.
All information posted on the electronic service (website) is for reference purposes only and cannot be used as the only correct information, including for ordering and completing tasks.
The Service is an auxiliary tool for user interaction and does not replace personal communication between users. The service is only an information intermediary between users.
Any user of the electronic service hereby confirms that he has read, understood, accepted, accepted and fully agrees to be bound by this policy. In the cases specified in this agreement, the user is considered to have sent an offer to another user or the user is considered to have received an offer from another user.
1. Terms and definitions.
Privacy policy for personal data of users of the Likerator electronic platform (hereinafter referred to as privacy policy, agreement, offer) is an offer addressed to an unlimited number of persons and presented in this document.
Privacy Policy Side – Likerator, User.
Likerator – the entire administrative and technical team of the Service, responsible for its development and ensuring its functionality, rolled into one; is in direct contact with the User and undertakes to provide consulting information on issues directly related to the use of the Service; is one of the parties to this User Agreement.
Social networks are online services that function to establish social connections between registered users, where the latter have personal pages. These include: VKontakte ( ), Twitter ( ), YouTube ( ) and others.
An electronic platform is a software and hardware complex of organizational, information and technical solutions that ensure user interaction through electronic communication channels. The electronic platform includes an Internet resource (website).
Internet resource (site) is a resource located on the Internet at and its subdomains, which is the property of its owner of the Likerator electronic platform . A website is a complex object of intellectual property, which is a collection of computer programs, databases, text, graphics and other information available to the user.
Services – services provided by one user for another or other users, including those related to posting, changing information on user pages on social networks; services provided by the electronic platform Likerator.
Registration is a procedure for entering user data into a special form on the website, which is necessary for the Likerator electronic platform to comply with the terms of the user agreement, under which the registered user is a beneficiary, as well as for the user’s access to the services and capabilities of the electronic platform.
User – any individual who has used the capabilities of the Likerator service.
Customer is a user who, using the capabilities of the site, has placed a task for another user under the conditions set out in this agreement.
Executor is a user who, using the capabilities of the service, has received a task from another user/users.
Partner – any individual, individual entrepreneur (hereinafter also recognized as a legal entity in this agreement to the extent that this does not contradict the essence of the specified subject of civil circulation) or legal entity that, independently or through its representative (management body, if applicable), voluntarily registered and became a participant in the affiliate program.
User data is personal data.
Personal data – a) data that is automatically transmitted during the use of Likerator services using the software installed on the user’s device from which the services are accessed, including IP address, cookie data, information about the user’s software and hardware. Likerator hereby guarantees that, as a result of using the site’s services, it does not gain access to personal data (including personal data) contained on users’ devices; b) personal information (including name, contact phone number, email address) voluntarily and knowingly provided by an individual user when registering on the site and necessary to fulfill the user agreement, under which the registered user is the beneficiary, as well as for user access – an individual to the services and capabilities of the electronic platform. In this case, the name left by the user to the parties to the user agreement is considered his pseudonym.
A contract for the provision of services for a fee is an agreement regulating the relationship between users for the provision of services related to posting and changing information on user pages on social networks.
Password is a unique sequence of symbols and/or letters that is entered by the user when registering on the site and is subsequently used to access personal space (personal account) on the site.
An account is a personalized website interface with a set of user tools for using the services and capabilities of the electronic platform.
Balance is the user’s virtual account on the site in points, the number of which depends on the user’s activity.
Task – a user’s request for the provision of services for posting and changing information on user pages on social networks under conditions determined by the User himself and not inconsistent with this agreement. The task is completed in accordance with this agreement via an electronic form on the website by the User himself.
Cookies are a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user’s computer, which a web client or web browser sends to the web server every time in an HTTP request when they try to open a page on the corresponding site. Information collected through cookies and other similar technologies does not in itself constitute personal information. Such information is of a technical nature only. The structure of the cookie file, its content and technical parameters are determined by the Likerator platform and can be changed unilaterally, independently, without prior notice to the user.
IP address is a unique network address of a node in a computer network built using the IP protocol.
2. Warranty and Representations.
2.1. The Platform and the user hereby represent and warrant to the other that, as of the date of conclusion of the agreement and during the period of its validity:
2.1.1. has all the powers to enter into this agreement and fulfill the obligations assumed under the agreement;
2.1.2. has taken all actions necessary to enter into and perform the agreement and to ensure that the agreement is legal, binding on him and enforceable against his counterparty;
2.1.3. to the best of our knowledge, there are no unresolved legal issues, threats of litigation or other circumstances that may have negative consequences for the party to the agreement or its activities, the party to the agreement has not violated any material provisions of any agreement concluded by it or other agreement, there are no decrees, rulings or decisions of a court, arbitration court or other government body that may have a negative impact on the position of the parties to the agreement or their activities;
2.1.4. fulfillment of obligations under the agreement is an unconditional obligation of the party to the agreement, which at least has the same priority as the other obligations of the party to the agreement;
2.1.5. all information and documents provided by a party to the agreement to the other party in connection with this agreement are true, true, complete and accurate in all respects, and the party to the agreement does not conceal any facts that, if known, could have an impact adverse influence on the decision of the other party to the agreement to conclude this agreement;
2.1.6. has sufficient information about its counterparty to the extent necessary to select it as such, to understand whether it has sufficient resources to fulfill its obligations under the agreement;
2.1.7. The obligations of the party to the agreement under this agreement are legal, valid, valid and binding on the party to the agreement, subject to execution in accordance with the provisions of the agreement.
2.2. Each party hereby acknowledges that it is entering into an agreement in reliance on representations and warranties made by the other party that are material to it.

3. General provisions.
3.1. The procedure for processing users’ personal data, including for the purpose of ensuring the security of processing users’ personal data, ensuring the rights and interests of users when processing their personal data, is governed by this Privacy Policy.
3.2. Any user, using the site or taking advantage of any of its functionality, thereby expresses his unconditional agreement with all the terms of the agreement and all other conditions set out on the pages of the site, undertakes to comply with them, and in case of disagreement with any of the conditions, he must immediately stop using the services and leave the electronic platform.3.3. The user acknowledges and agrees that nothing in the Privacy Policy can be understood as establishing any other relationship between the user and the Platform that is not expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy.
3.4. Recognition by a court of any provision of this Privacy Policy as invalid or unenforceable does not entail the invalidity or unenforceability of other provisions of the Privacy Policy.
3.5. Inaction on the part of the Platform in the event of a user violation of the provisions of the Privacy Policy does not deprive the right to take appropriate actions to protect their interests later, and also does not mean a waiver by the Platform of its rights in the event of subsequent commission of similar or similar violations.
3.6. The Platform reserves the right to change and (or) supplement this Privacy Policy without any special notice. The new edition of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the website page unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Privacy Policy. The user’s silence is regarded as consent to changes and (or) additions to the Privacy Policy.
3.7. By clicking the “Register” button, the user agrees to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, including the processing of his personal data, and also confirms that the content of the provisions of this Policy is understandable and clear to him. Consent is also expressed at any stage of registration on the site, at any time when using the site.
3.8. The order and provision of services through the electronic platform is preceded by the User completing the registration procedure. Registration and authorization on the site is carried out with confirmation by e-mail of the user. A letter is sent to the user at the email address he specified to authorize him on the site.
3.9. The user also confirms that he does not have the right to transfer his login and password to third parties, and also does not have the right to receive a login and (or) password from third parties. The platform does not bear any responsibility for transactions between users.
3.10. The User is obliged to immediately notify the Platform of any violation of the security of his personal account on the electronic platform.
3.11. The platform does not bear any responsibility for the user data that he provides to third-party resources and/or other third parties in the event of a transition to them from the electronic platform.
3.12. The platform is not responsible for possible loss and/or damage to data that may occur due to the user’s violation of the provisions of this agreement, as well as improper access and/or use of the site.
3.13. The User is independently responsible for all actions (as well as their consequences) within or using the electronic platform under the user’s account (login), including cases of voluntary transfer by the User of data to access the User’s account to third parties under any conditions (in including under contracts or agreements) without such agreement with the Platform and (or) in violation of the terms of the agreement. In this case, all actions within or using the electronic platform under the user’s account are considered to be carried out by the user himself, except in cases where the user notified the Platform of unauthorized access to the electronic platform using the user’s account.
3.14. To order and provide services through the electronic platform, as well as to access the services and capabilities of the electronic platform, the user undertakes to provide reliable and complete information during Registration, and necessary to fulfill obligations on the part of the Platform, the customer and the contractor (depending on the situation) in relation to the service provided and/or user access to the electronic platform. Upon completion of registration, the User is given access to the Personal Account using credentials, and is also given the opportunity to issue/receive tasks.
3.15. The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that any data (including bank card details) directly or indirectly related to payment for services of the Platform is posted by the User on the pages of websites owned by third parties not related to the Platform. The platform does not have access to such information, does not carry out any actions in relation to such data, including their collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction, cross-border transfer.
3.16. The user can change his personal data or part of it at any time by using the function of editing personal data in the personal section of the corresponding service of the site.
3.17. The user can delete his personal data by using the appropriate function in the personal section of the corresponding site service. The user hereby acknowledges and confirms that deleting an account may result in the inability to use the site’s services.

4. Personal data and the procedure for their processing.
4.1. The user, if he is an individual, hereby gives his consent to the processing by the Platform (including receiving from the user and/or any third parties, subject to the requirements determined by this law) of the user’s personal data and confirms that, by giving such consent, the of your own free will and in your own interest. Consent is given by the User from the moment of registering on the site and (or) performing other actions related to the use of services or capabilities of the electronic platform.
4.2. Consent is given by the user for the purposes of concluding an agreement with the Platform, other agreements directly provided for in this Privacy Policy, other agreements posted on the pages of the site and their further execution, participation in ongoing promotions, competitions, making decisions or performing other actions that give rise to legal consequences in relation to the user or other persons and applies to the name, phone number, email address, e-wallet number (if the user is a member of the affiliate program), IP address, cookies, Internet browser parameters and settings and any other information related to the user’s identity, available or known at any particular time on the Platform (hereinafter referred to as personal data), as well as for accepting, processing a request, processing and receiving payments; informing about the status of the request, Platform services through electronic and SMS, PUSH notifications; improving the quality of the electronic platform; conducting statistical and other research based on anonymized data, carrying out advertising activities with the consent of the user, as well as execution of the User Agreement, including by providing the user with effective technical support if problems arise related to the operation of the site’s services, providing access to the account, website, services sites.
4.3. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Platform using the following main methods (but not limited to them): storage, recording on electronic media and their storage, compiling lists.
4.4. Likerator takes all necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions by third parties. Likerator ensures the security of personal data during its processing, including by encrypting it and storing it in encrypted form. Confidentiality of the user’s personal data is also maintained, except in cases provided for by current legislation.
4.5. The user hereby acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide personal data to achieve the above goals to a third party, the electronic Platform has the right, to the extent necessary, to disclose information about the user personally (including personal data) to such third parties and their authorized persons, as well as provide such persons with relevant documents containing such information.
4.6. All of the above provisions of the Privacy Policy apply to the processing by one user of the personal data of another user, to which such user gains access through the Platform services. Such a user hereby, acting of his own will and in his own interest, gives his consent to the processing of his personal data by another user for the purpose of concluding a contract for the provision of services and its further execution. The periods for storing personal data by the user and methods of data processing are similar to those specified in clauses 4.3-4.6 of this Privacy Policy. The user is obliged to refrain from disclosing information about another user to third parties, as well as any other information that became known to him in connection with the provision of services to another user.
5. Final provisions.

5.1. The parties to this Privacy Policy recognize as written evidence electronic correspondence between themselves, correspondence via SMS messages and/or using the services and capabilities of the site.
5.2. Any requests from the User to the Platform, directly or indirectly related to the processing of his personal data, must be submitted in writing and sent to the Platform address specified in this agreement and/or on the website.
5.3. Any requests or notifications from users are considered by the Platform when they are sent to the latter’s postal address specified in this agreement and/or on the website. A user message sent to the Platform using the services and capabilities of the site (for example, through a personal profile) will not be considered by the latter if the content of such message does not indicate that it was sent to the Platform address (the message does not indicate the postal identifier number or invoice number when sent from by courier; scanned copies of documents confirming the sending of the application by mail and/or courier are not attached).
5.4. The parties acknowledge that documents and information under this agreement transmitted using the Likerator Service or sent via email have the same legal force as paper documents signed by the parties themselves.
5.5. The parties acknowledge that information transmitted using the Likerator service is considered delivered to the second party from the moment it is sent in the service.
5.6. All suggestions or questions regarding this Privacy Policy should be communicated by email